Инфляция, виды и причины, составляющие и последствия инфляции в России, что такое индекс инфляции

Инфляция может оказывать как положительное, так и отрицательное влияние на социально-экономические процессы. Инфляция оказывает стимулирующее влияние на товарооборот не только за счёт номинального увеличения цен, но и ожидание роста цен в будущем побуждает потребителей приобретать товары сегодня. Хансен ввёл понятия открытой и подавленной (скрытой) инфляции. Открытая инфляция проявляется в продолжительном росте цен. «Как показывает практика … Read more

Can A Man Ride A Women’S Road Bike

Many keen cyclists find the idea of having a gender-specific bike completely ridiculous, because anyone can ride a bike. Since the creation of the bicycle, there has been a widespread opinion that racing bikes are for men and unisex only, or that a racing bike is only “for men.” It would be ridiculous to have … Read more

What Is A Good Speed On A Stationary Bike

When it comes to cardio equipment, stationary bikes are often overlooked, especially when you are in a real spin class. Sometimes the type of exercise bike workout you opt for is not your goal for the time, but the speed of the bike. Long workouts in the steady state can be boring, but with a … Read more

What To Wear Biking In 50 Degree Weather

In this article I will give you some tips on how to choose the best equipment for your cold and weather needs. Below is a list of clothing you should wear in different temperature ranges (Fahrenheit). Whatever the temperature, you should always wear two layers, regardless of the weather. A summer weight long sleeve jersey … Read more

Understanding Covert Narcissists and Abuse

By the way, either kind of narcissist behaviour will likely tend to have a history of having ‘psycho-exes/friends/colleagues’ and therefore make out they have consistently been the victim. However if this relationship disaster/victimhood pattern exists, I would argue that there is one common denominator in the mix! What we then tend to see are two … Read more